The Bell 412C BLR is a twin-engine utility helicopter. It is a development of the Bell 212 with the major difference being the composite four-blade main rotor.
It's 25% faster than the Bell 205 and Bell 212 models. It is also the lightest of it's kind in North America and can lift up to 4000 pounds making it ideal for heavy lifts and crew loads due to its original light weight and the installation of the BLR modification. Wisk Air's Bell 412C(BLR) is equipped with Fastfin BLR technology that increases its certified useful load up to 91%. Benefits of the BLR technology also include improved hover hold, reduced fatigue, and lower operating costs.
The 412 helicopter is produced by Bell Helicopter Textron and is still in production. The Bell 412 reliably performs in extreme climates and is approved to operate between - 40 and +51 Celsius.
Its expansive cabin can be configured to accommodate either cargo or personnel and its wide opening 7.7 foot doors accommodate forklift loading into a 220 cubic foot cabin. The total seating capacity is 15, including one or two pilots. Maximum weight of an external sling load is 1814 kg (4000lbs).
It has been customized to fit the needs of Canadian firefighting agencies. With that in mind, Wisk Air consulted various provincial wildfire agencies, then specifically rebuilt and redesigned the aircraft to meet their standards. This aircraft meets all of the Province of Alberta Agriculture and Forestry Requirements. It is the future tool of aerial emergency response. The speed of the aircraft allows the crews to arrive sooner on site, and allows them a larger radius to work within.
Other features of Wisk Air's Bell 412C(BLR)s include:
Max Gross (11900 lbs, 5400 kg)
Empty, Std Aircraft (6800 lbs, 3085 kg)
Useful Load (4000 lbs, 1814 kg)
External Load (4000 lbs, 1814 kg)
Range (324 nm, 600 km)
Not applicable.